It all started in 1976, when Missy Koo witnessed her mother get pushed by a hungry throng of party goers, after she announced the piggies were ready. Even at Missy’s young age, it was easy to see how intensely people responded to pigs in a blanket. As an adult, she can attest that not much has changed since those days. People still delight with the same enthusiasm whenever she serves them at parties. It became obvious that pigs in a blanket are a unique food phenomenon, one in which we all share a memory that reaches far into our histories. However, this beloved snack is fleeting at best and it became clear that pigs in a blanket needed to go beyond the catered affair or Super Bowl party. Missy Koo set out to introduce Brooklyn Piggies to the national stage. She worked closely with a top tier sausage purveyor and developed a cocktail frank parallel to none. She wraps her franks in a puff pastry that is light and flaky, elevating the pig in a blanket to a new artisanal level. Brooklyn Piggies strives towards reducing its environmental impact by using trays made of recycled, unbleached paper. Our dip containers are made entirely from plants – not petroleum.